Early childhood development has been the focus of attention in recent years and is high on the agenda of all advanced countries today.
It is the prime responsibility of all educators and parents to prepare children from an early age to be successful learners throughout their life. As we all understand that early years is a time to build a strong foundation. To build a strong building the foundation has to be strong. The children need to have a best learning environment in their early years and need the experts to handle them.
According to the article published in the newspaper, Finland’s primary education system has been the envy of the Western world ever since the country’s 15-year-olds began acing international literacy, mathematics and science assessment tests several years ago.
Finnish primary-school teachers have an unusual level of autonomy over the curriculum, a noted difference to the centralized approach in Ontario. They may choose their own textbooks, as long as they adhere to the core national curriculum. Primary-school teachers all have master’s degree. The results have been phenomenal. Finland has consistently been among the highest scorers worldwide in the international assessment for student performance – a study carried out by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Children differ depending on social and cultural circumstances; their development is influenced by their early year experiences but not determined. We should try to build our children’s base strong. We should put our children in such a program that can help them build and improve creativity, concentration and absorption power. Children can build confidence and a solid academic foundation. Children learn and interact in a variety of contexts. They should get the environment where their personality can develop fully and they can develop the educational interest. Parents can notice the positive change in their child’s behaviour.
Let’s review the figure below, which shows the weight of the human brain as compared to an adult brain with respect to child’s age:
Age Weight (Child vs Adult Brain)
6 months 50%
2 yrs 75%
5 yrs 90%
10 yrs 95%
The children learn more in their first five years than at any other time in their lives. So let’s provide them the best, the result will be the best.